Specialized training for electric and hybrid vehicles


Vast-Auto Distribution

Offered on an ongoing basis by the Vast-Auto Distribution Academy, in partnership with the Quebec government’s EV Skills Program, the training program is for technical advisors and technicians. The participants must follow the training program established by the Conseil provincial des comités paritaires de l’industrie des services automobiles (CPCPA) with the help of a self-assessment upon registration.
Mr. Wilson Almeida, the Academy’s Director of Training, is also a master trainer for the EV Competence program. He maintains a high standard of quality in the training provided under his guidance, whether through online courses or hands-on experience in repair shops.
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2024 training calendar


EV Skills certificate

Officially launched in January 2020, thanks to the financial support of Emploi-Québec, the EV Skills program starts with an automotive mechanics unit. It offers five levels of training to equip future EV technicians with essential skills.

Registration form for training